10 Signs Your Teen Is Depressed, NOT Lazy:

Do you think your teen is lazy? That may be the case. But it’s also possible that your teen is depressed. This video is all about how you can tell the difference between depression and laziness in teenagers. In the video, I explain the 10 signs that your teenager is depressed, not lazy. Every parent of teens should be aware of these signs so that you’ll know how to get your teen on the right track. If your teenager lacks motivation, you must get to the root of the issue. And if necessary, your teen may need professional help.

Lazy teens may want to be productive.  They might talk about what they want to achieve, but they can’t bring themselves to take action. Teens who seem lazy are often discouraged or overwhelmed. Lazy teens usually have dreams and goals.

They’re excited about some things in life and they care about friendships and relationships. But what looks like laziness may be something more serious, depression.

Depression involves a combination of persistent symptoms that last for at least two weeks, which affects a person’s ability to handle daily activities. According to Polaris Teen Center, about 20% of teenagers will struggle with depression before they reach adulthood. But rest assured that depression is treatable. I’ve personally worked with many teenagers who have recovered fully from depression.

Sign #1

Sign number one, they persistently feel sad or hopeless. The word persistent is important when we talk about depression. Most of these signs are normal for teens but only if they’re displayed occasionally.

Some depressed teenagers may cry frequently, while others may have a sad outlook on life. They may talk about how they feel powerless to improve the situation.

Sign #2

Sign number two, they’re persistently irritable or angry. Depressed teens react with frustration and anger to even small triggers. They may also become violent.

Sign #3

Sign number three, they think that almost everything is bad or wrong. Depressed teenagers have a negative view of life which colors almost everything that happens to them.

When the people around them explain why their perspective isn’t accurate, these teens reject those explanations and hold on tightly to their pessimistic views.

Sign #4

Sign number four, they stop doing things they used to enjoy. This is different than growing out of a hobby or activity. Teens with depression no longer find joy or satisfaction in doing things they used to be interested in or passionate about.

Sign #5

Sign number five, they’re tired or lethargic Depressed teens often sleep more than the usual eight to nine hours a night. They’ll frequently take naps during the day, even when they’ve had a full night’s sleep. Some teens with depression may also struggle with insomnia.

Sign #6:

Sign number six, they have trouble concentrating. This can apply to things related to school and can also extend to things like watching TV shows or playing video games.

Sign #7

Sign number seven, they start to do worse in school. This is related to the previous sign we talked about. Many teenagers with depression submit their homework late and do badly on tests and exams. They lack the desire to learn and to perform well.

Sign #8

Sign number eight, they’re socially withdrawn. Many depressed teens avoid social interactions with friends and family and keep to themselves.

Sign #9

Sign number nine, they engage in self-harm. Self-harm can take many forms, cutting or burning their skin, starving themselves, binge eating, and punching themselves. Many teenagers who engage in self-harm are not suicidal.

They harm themselves because they want to distract themselves from the emotional distress they’re experiencing. So in a sense, the self-harm helps them to feel better.

Of course, in extreme cases of self-harm, teenagers may be suicidal, which unsurprisingly is a common sign of depression.

Sign #10:

Sign number 10, they engage in substance abuse. Teenagers with depression sometimes start smoking or vaping or increase the frequency of their smoking and vaping.

They may also abuse drugs, alcohol, and medication. so those are the 10 signs that your teen isn’t lazy but instead is suffering from depression. Laziness is something that can be addressed through practical tips and strategies, but depression is a condition that requires deeper work at an emotional and psychological level.

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